As in the previuos editions, we would like to have a proper "workshop", with only a few invited talks, some open problem sessions, and some time for informal discussions.

The main speakers will be Alberto Facchini, Marino Gran and Walter Tholen. They will give a 2-hour talk. Besides the three main speakers, there will be 1-hour talks by: Maria Manuel Clementino, Xabier García-Martínez, Pierre-Alain Jacqmin, Zurab Janelidze, Andrea Montoli, Tim Porter, Diana Rodelo, Benno van den Berg. Finally, George Janelidze kindly accepted to close the workshop with the conclusive talk.
Although there will be no other scheduled talks, there will be a poster session in order to present and discuss investigations and results.

Program outline

The workshop will start with a welcome buffet on Monday May 28th at 7.00pm. Talks are scheduled from May 29th, in the morning, till June 1st, around noon.

Main speakers

Alberto Facchini An introduction to cotorsion pairs, covering classes and tilting modules
Marino Gran New interactions between categorical algebra and Hopf algebra theory
Walter Tholen Factorizations Then and Now

Invited speakers

Dominique Bourn Extraction of a Sigma-Mal'tsev (resp. Sigma-protomodular) structure from a Mal'tsev (resp. protomodular) subcategory
Alan Cigoli Fibered aspects of Yoneda's regular span
Maria Manuel Clementino On the categorical behaviour of ordered groups
Xabier García-Martínez A characterisation of Lie algebras via algebraic exponentiation
Pierre-Alain Jacqmin Internal fibrations and their normalizations
Zurab Janelidze Some questions on the logic of categorical algebra
Andrea Montoli Homological lemmas in $S$-Mal'tsev and in $S$-protomodular categories
Diana Rodelo Observations on the Shifting Lemma
Benno van den Berg Path categories

Conclusive talk

George Janelidze What is Galois theory of a factorization system?

The scheduled program of the conference is linked here